Dec 2016: Here is my gift to you for this Holiday season—a green and red easy-to-assemble hors d óeurve!
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Feb 2015: You know, I have only one Recipe I truly love at this time of year! Here, for you is my video of Valentine’s Shortbread Hearts.
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Jan 2015: Everyone is asking me “how’s life after Tante Marie’s?” And, the truth is “I am having a blast!” I love teaching out of my house again! And the proceeds are going to Food Runners, which is even better!
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Dec 2014: A very Merry Christmas to you from Tante Marie! Isn’t it fantastic that cooking good food with good quality ingredients is getting more and more popular? The markets are filled with sustainable locally grown and seasonal foods; and EVERYONE is talking about the cooking shows on television; the cooking lessons on YouTube; and the new and interesting specialty stores. Don’t forget a good resource of Recipes and Videos is And, that Cooking is Fun!
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Dec 2011: Wow – the holidays are here and its time to celebrate; well, my gift to you is to show and tell you how to plan and present an elegant dinner party for six to twelve people. Remember, cooking is fun, and cooking for others is even more fun—all you need are a few hints to build your confidence.
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Nov 2011: There is so much information about cooking Thanksgiving dinner that it is hard to figure out how to actually make it happen. So, here for you is a summary of what I plan to do this year. I have 12 to 14 people coming around 2 p.m. to help make dinner which is planned for about 4 p.m. When the participants ask "What can I bring?", I say how about a bottle of wine and an autumn pie. When they ask for specifics, I ask for French champagne, chardonnay, or pinot noir as the wine choices; and pumpkin (or sweet potato), pecan, or apple as the pie choices.
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Nov 2009: Cooking is fun especially when taught by Jodi Liano, one of Tante Marie's most favorite teachers. For over ten years she has been teaching Basics on Tuesday nights and weekend classes such as how to entertain with ease, or cook for the family on week nights, or even do the whole Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone loves her classes, and her cookbooks (written for Williams-Sonoma), and her blog. To learn more about Jodi go to And, more important here is her write-up about Thanksgiving dessert with her recipe for an easy pumpkin dessert.
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Dec 2008: Students from the Culinary and Pastry courses got into the holiday spirit by hosting parties and providing delectable food and desserts for everyone to enjoy.
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Dec 2006: There is still time to organize a Christmas party! Just phone some friends, buy some food, make one or two dishes, and celebrate the season of giving and sharing!
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Nov 2006: I have to say that Thanksgiving isn't my favorite holiday. Afterall, there aren't any gifts! But it can be fun if you have the right mix of people, don't worry about the outcome, and take time to enjoy the meal. Here are my suggestions for a good time for all.
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