If you ever go to London, be sure to check out the food department of Sainsbury’s — a department store. Here is a recipe someone sent me on a recipe card published by Sainsbury — it is absolutely delicious. For mixed peppercorns, I use equal amounts of black peppercorns, white peppercorns, and allspice.
Mix together the crushed peppercorns and seasoned flour. Remove the skin from the fish. Wipe with a paper towel, then coat with the peppercorn mixture, pressing well on both sides. Set aside while preparing the vinaigrette. Crush the garlic into a bowl and stir in the mustard, lime zest and juice, the olive oil, seasoning and cilantro. Heat a Tbs. of olive oil in a large frying pan. When hot, add the fish and fry for 3 minutes on each side, until crisp and golden. Keeping the heat high, pour the vinaigrette around the fish and maintain heat to reduce. Serve with new potatoes and zucchini.
Thinly slice several zucchini and place with the water in a large heavy skillet. Cover and cook over high heat for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove the cover and stir until desired tenderness is reached. Sprinkle with the grated cheeses and let sit for a moment, covered, before serving.
Put scrubbed and peeled (if desired) potatoes in a pan filled with plenty of cold water, bring to a boil, add salt, and cook until they are tender when pierced with a fork. Drain well in a colander and return to the pot. Hold over high flame, shaking to evaporate any excess moisture. Add butter and minced parsley or chives.
Serves 2